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Only Earth

Only Earth - Oat Cold Coffee - 200ml

Only Earth - Oat Cold Coffee - 200ml

Regular price Rs 600.00 LKR
Regular price Sale price Rs 600.00 LKR
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Rich & creamy: only earth cold coffee oats shake is your ready to go refreshment drink with rich coffee notes & oats milk

Multiple health benefits: the only earth product essentials are completely plant based, soya-free, lactose-free, no trans fats, no added preservatives & colors, hormone free, cholesterol-free, guilt-free and low in fat

Source of calcium & vitamins: it is a good source of calcium, vitamin d, b1, b2 and b12 and is fortified with other vitamins and minerals too

Indulge your caffeine cravings: between meals, after a workout or in the evenings at work

Try our belgian chocolate oats shake too: you will also love oats cold coffee. Premium oats drink made with rich coffee notes

Only earthโ€™s promise: only earth is fighting to preserve the planet; and with you, they want to make a meaningful change! They are a passionate bunch of people rallying for positive change for the earth and plant-based goodies in all forms

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